Nota con il nome “il botteghino”, la prima foresteria della miniera, venne gestita dalla società mineraria fino al 1936, fu successivamente riadattata e trasformata nell’albergo ristorante “Al cinghiale” gestito da privati fino al 1976: l’ex foresteria della miniera, infatti, era stata presa in gestione da Filippo Deidda, un ristoratore che aprì, nel 1967, un noto ristorante cagliaritano oggi gestito dagli eredi.
Known as “the Botteghino” the first guesthouse of the mine was managed by the mining company until 1936. Later it was transformed into the hotel/restaurant Al Cinghiale (To the Boar), which was privately owned and managed until 1976: the former guesthouse of the mine, in fact, had been taken over by Filippo Deidda, a restaurateur who opened, in 1967, a well-known Cagliari restaurant run today by his heirs.